Mrs. Ami Doshi
Ami Doshi aims at creating all-round development for individuals to achieve the best in life. She has experience of 13+ years working with approximately 500+ parents from various backgrounds. She works with individuals and groups using various techniques for the betterment of their life.
She uses a technique known as Brain Dominance for the higher development of right and left brain equally so that the individual's intelligence, reasoning, decision, communication and strengths increase.
She has adopted Play-way Method to build multiple intelligences and life skills in all individuals. Using this fun and relaxed method has allowed her to see results in various aspects ranging from emotional development to logical skills development for different individuals in a team.
She has done evaluations and training through the Play Way with Corporates like Microsoft, Aruba, Jainam Technologies, Scania, Gold loan Company for better performance and enhancing strengths.
As a Parenting Coach, she guides them for the healthy development of children and having a good bond as an entire family. She has experience of dealing with couples from the time of conception till birth supporting them during their entire pregnancy tenure.
Ami applies the Law of Attraction technique for supporting people in creating all their dreams into reality. A step by step guided procedure explained by her is a useful technique to progress well in life.
As a Graphologist, Ami applies the science of handwriting analysis for diagnosing various aspects of a personality and create a change in the behaviour by addressing the core issue.
Ami's motto is to transform 1 million people by balancing the emotional, mental and physical health through various modalities!